Saturday, December 27, 2008

Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey...

-Fitzhugh Mullan

I've had my share of potholes this year.  I don't feel the need to go into them here on the internet...that's creepy...those who need to know already know.

So...Costa Rica...who knew?

I applied for and got into a TEFL international program in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica!  I'll be studyin and working hard for a month, and then traveling for a bit afterward.  

I've never lived at the beach.  

I know that sand gets annoying after a couple of days of being COVERED in it, so it should be interesting to see how long the novelty of livin on the beach lasts.  

I wonder if Fitzhugh Mullan ever traveled to Costa Rica, because the roads are FULL of potholes... so, following his advice, I'm sure my journey of 3.5 hours from San Jose to Manuel Antonio will be very celebratory.  They asked if I'd like to rent a answer... NOPE!  I still have very graphic flashbacks to that very looked a little like this... 
"Bridge of Doom" 
...and I remember seeing things under and around aforementioned bridge that looked like this...
Not Good...

So the car is right out for the time being.  

Apparently there are one or two other WVU grads heading down to Manuel Antonio too!!  

Ironic, since there are only 15 spots in the program!  

I'm excited to surf, SCUBA, fish, and tour around!  My experiences with Costa Rica have been limited to one (truly amazing) trip with four other staff members and 6 fabulously AD/HD children.  Kids open your eyes to things you might miss otherwise, but it'll be nice to skip the head counts and exchange the strenuously strict travel schedule for a more, equally strenuous educational schedule.  

I'm going to try to be good about posting about my travels, so my friends and family can keep up with me and my crazy travels.  One of my goals before I leave is to get a digital camera so I can share pictures as well as stories (the ones here are from my N75...old school!!).  Grandmama and Grandaddy got a new computer...Hi guys!  There should be some good stories!  I'll post again right before I leave, but for now, I'll leave everyone with this parting shot...

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! its such a delightful picture.. Will need to visit your blogs often to see such beautiful Pics and Stories.. Oh! btw all the best for the program..
