Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A couple more to remember...

So yay...finally got a picture to load...of course each one takes 2 hours if I am at school, where the internet is free, or I have to pay 100 colones every 10 minutes and it's pretty fast... I think it is worth it to have pictures on here!!

View from the plane!

So these are probably not funny for most people, but we have added to our list of travel quotes/chapter titles:

"There's no crying in TEFL" (Brigid)

"Leche legs" (Crazy short haired girl about Eileen)

Peter: I think I have a little crush on conditionals.  We are in the texting phase.
Mark: Gerunds are the new wave.  Phrasal Verbs are so passe.
Me: So I guess we've moved out of the texting phase.
Peter: Yes, we've moved straight into heavy petting.

Emily:Why the **** is Alaska part of the US anyways?
Jennie: So we can see Russia from our house.

"It's always opposite day in the world of Mark."

OK...so here are just a few of the 400 pictures I have taken so far...so glad I bought that digital camera!!!  These are all from my travels to Boruca...

Rich, Chris, and Anna at the top of the waterfall.

More flowers for my wall of flower pictures.

The kitchen inside Omar's parents' home...with Abuelita (Omar's ma...his kids' grandmother), Henne and Omar's daughter, Agnes, dancing, and Magda.

Me and Nashalie in Oscar's home, playing a game.  It was much colder there at night and in the morning than it is here in Manuel Antonio!!

The view from the Sacred Road to Boruca.

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