Tuesday, February 3, 2009

If It's Not One Thing...It's Another...

I am finding that absolutely nothing comes easy here.  

Yesterday, I spoke to one of the girls at the hostel about moving into a private room or apartment at the hostel.  Rich, who is one of my classmates, and I figured that if we could share living quarters, it would be the same price as being in the dorms.  The girl showed us to a cabin, and pointed to 2 rooms.  We were totally stoked at this discovery, and I asked her how much??  She told me 15 for each!  I was excited until...once we were paying...she told me no, not 15, but 50 together.  We asked her if they could cut us a deal, since we were staying for so long, and she said she would have to ask her boss.  We had already decided on this, and figured if not, we could move back to the dorm the next day.  I just really wanted a good night's sleep.  


As I said...nothing comes that easy...

We went off to the beach with Emily, who is from Wales, and Jennie, who is from New York.  After a relaxing time at the beach, we headed back, stopping to pick up some groceries at the Supermarcado.  Rounding the corner of our cabin, we were surprised to see a group of four people standing in the kitchen.  


Well, we asked if they were staying there, too, and they said, "Yes."  


We went back up to the front desk and inquired why our room was occupied, and they said that we were paying to share the CABIN with 2 other people...therefore leaving 4 people with 2 beds.  We talked to Conrad and Linda, the owners, about our situation, and they said they couldn't do anything about it tonight, but that they would get us an extra bed...we'd only have to pay 17 a night, and we'd have a private apartment with 2 bedrooms starting on the 13th...
Of course, this left us with last night... and we had to hunker down together on the queen sized bed.  It was less awkward than I expected, because both of us were good about sticking to our respective sides.  I woke up with an arm and a leg off the bed.  Haha.  Can't wait to have my own tonight!!

Another issue was the Great Epi Pen Adventure!
I am allergic to bees, and on one of my flights down, my epi pens got broken.  

This morning, I was chased around by about seven of them.

No bueno. 

So yesterday, I went to the Pharmacia to get a new one.  I asked if she had any epi pens, and she looked at me like I was crazy.  They don't call it Epinephrine here.  I tried a couple of times in Spanish, and she offered me all sorts of cremes and medicines.  Finally, I pantomimed a bee flying, stinging me, and me choking and dying.  She got excited, and apparently understood.  I asked her to see the ampules (no auto injectors for me) and syringes.  She tried to give me a shot for hay fever.  I said no.  I finally found a box that said epinephrine on it, and bought 2.  Of course, when I opened it, it was miss packaged and was actually just a normal allergy shot.


So I talked with an instructor, who is a native speaker, and he is going to call over for me and either go with me to pick it up, or send me the correct direction.

Ahh yes, the trials and tribulations of living in a country where you don't speak the language fluently.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Martha...sounds like the adventure has truly begun! What doesn't break us makes us stronger...you're doing great. Proud of you and love you, MamaD
