Monday, February 23, 2009

Dude, You Are All Up In My Pura Vida

So I realized that it had been quite a while since I updated this dealio...much to the chagrin of my parental units, I'm sure!!!  So here goes...

Life here is absolutely fabulous!!  I live in a place that has THE most beautiful sunsets. Normally I watch them on the beach, but the other night, I went out to Barba Roja for happy hour with Mollie, Brigid and Pat, and then out the next night with Peter, Emily, Rachael, and Jennie (above...Jennie took the picture).  They have the most AMAZING nachos.  So I know that Nachos are normally not the most exciting thing in the world, but these WERE!!  The chips are hand made fresh, and then the fixins come in a bowl all mixed together...with some special sauce that is PERFECTION!!  Ahhh... I could eat them all day...but that would be a bad idea...I would get very large!!  They come with beans, cheeeeese, jalapenos, chicken, some sort of sour creamy...and so much more!!!  Ahhh!!  Thinking of it makes me hungry now!!!!!!
I've been spending all my free time at the beach!!  I swear, I'm going to be in such good shape when I return, cause I have a routine now...I get up, go to the beach, and I swim the length of the beach to the big rock.  Then I either swim back or jog back (depending on time)...that's in the morning.  In the afternoon, I've taken now to walking the 2+K down to the beach, and then I go swimming and such with my amigos!!  Que faboo!!!  I'm also getting a rockin tan...though (and I get made fun of so badly) I SPF every hour or two, and I use 45-50 SPF when I do...So my tan has been a slow process!
I live in such a surfing community, but I have only been once!  Haha...I just love being IN the water too much, and swimming makes me happy...cause I don't take a beating...much.  Yesterday, the waves were double overhead, and coming in 9 wave sets...which was NUTS!!  I was so tired after swimming.  The currents were really tough, and I had to ride one out a ways the other day and swim back in.  I'm glad I can read the tides fairly well, and I've spotted several rip tides starting, and booked it away!  Safety First!!!
So this picture cracks me up.  Three of us look fine...but Eileen...haha...she was falling into us!!  Plus, so many people around us were smoking ciggies (or Fags, as Peter says...which always reminds me of the girl with the fire extinguisher at SOAR who beat me over the head with the telephone because a) I wouldn't let her use the phone to call her old boyfriend and b) I wouldn't give her her fags.)...but anyways...I love the puff of smoke above us non-smokers.  This picture was at the Johnny Dread (reggae) concert...Eileen, Priya, me, and cutie Chris had a blast....until we saw the guy that stole Eileen's camera, and there was almost a beat down.  Chris is my amigo from WV!!!  Funny that we had to travel 3000 miles away to meet each other!!  He cooked for me the other night, and made rice noodles with curry, coconut milk, chicken, and veggies!!
Carneval was this past weekend, so there was a big fiesta here in Quepos!!  Our friend, Jesse, was supposed to fight in the Boxing match, but his competator wouldn't fight him...he was scared!!!  So we took a pic with Jesse and his pink Lacoste shirt (Emily, Eileen, Jesse, me, and Priya).  The other fights were awesome, though.  There were even some girls who boxed.  One of them got hit in the throat!!!  She had to be taken to the ambulance!!!  They also had a bunch of carnival rides, like the swinging pirate ship, which I had not ridden in years!  

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